Drs. Michaël Henderickx
Drs. Michaël Henderickx (BIG 59923584001) is uroloog bij Andros Clinics. Hij is tevens werkzaam bij Amsterdam UMC en PhD-onderzoeker Endourologie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Henderickx, M.M.E.L. Bekijk 0 waarderingen
Uitgebreid CV
2023 – heden Uroloog bij Andros Clinics
2022 – heden Uroloog, ACIBADEM IMC
2018 – heden Uroloog, Amsterdam UMC
2020 – 2021 Uroloog, GZA Ziekenhuis, Antwerpen, België
2016 – 2017 Fellow Endourologie, Asklepios Klinik Barmbek, Duitsland
2015 – 2016 AIOS Urologie, Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen, België
2014 – 2015 AIOS Urologie, Catharina Ziekenhuis, Eindhoven
2013 – 2014 AIOS Urologie, GZA Ziekenhuis , Antwerpen, België
2012 – 2013 AIOS Urologie, AZ Sint Jan Brugge – Oostende AV, België
2010 – 2012 AIOS Heelkunde, GZA Ziekenhuis Antwerpen België
2020 – heden PhD-onderzoeker Endourologie, Universiteit van Amsterdam
2010 – 2016 MaNaMa Gespecialiseerde Geneeskunde, Universiteit
2006 – 2010 Master in de Geneeskunde, Universiteit Antwerpen, België
2003 – 2006 Bachelor in de Geneeskunde, Universiteit Antwerpen, België
Surgical margins after partial nephrectomy as prognostic factor for the risk of local recurrence in pT1 RCC: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. (https://doi.org/10.1007/s00345…) M.M.E.L. Henderickx*, S.V. Baldew*, L. Marconi, M.D. van Dijk, F.S. van Etten-Jamaludin, B.W. Lagerveld, A. Bex, P.J. Zondervan:
Does operator-controlled imaging reduce fluoroscopy time during flexible ureterorenoscopy? (https://doi.org/10.5173/ceju.2…) M.M.E.L. Henderickx, T. Brits, N.S. Zabegalina, J. Baard, M. Ballout, H.P. Beerlage, S. De Wachter, G.M. Kamphuis
Could the region you live in prevent or precipitate kidney stone formation due to mineral intake through tap water? An analysis of 9 distribution regions in Flanders. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/000154…) M.M.E.L. Henderickx, S.J.M. Stoots, J. Baard, G.M. Kamphuis:
How to evaluate a flexible ureterorenoscope? Systematic mapping of existing evaluation methods. (https://doi.org/10.1111/bju.15…) N. Hendriks*, M.M.E.L. Henderickx*, B. Schout, J. Baard, F.S. Van Etten-Jamaludiin, H.P. Beerlage, R.C.M. Pelger, G.M. Kamphuis
Global Variations in the Mineral Content of Bottled Still and Sparkling Water and a Description of the Possible Impact on Nephrological and Urological Diseases. (https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm101…) S.J.M. Stoots, G.M. Kamphuis, R. Geraghty, L. Vogt, M.M.E.L. Henderickx, B.M. Zeeshan Hameed, S. Ibrahim, A. Pietropaolo, E. Jamnadass, S.M. Aljumalah, Saeed B. Hamri, E. Ventimiglia, O. Traxer, V. Gauhar, E.X. Keller, V. De Coninck, O. Durutovic, N.K. Gadzhiev, L.B. Dragos, T.E. Sener, N. Rukin, M. Talso, P. Kallidonis, E. Emiliani, E. Bres-Niewada, K.B. Scotland, N. Bhojani, A. Vagionis, A. Picirilli, B.K. Somani
Variations in the mineral content of bottled ‘carbonated or sparkling’ water across Europe: a comparison of 126 brands across 10 countries. (https://doi.org/10.5173/ceju.2…) S.J.M. Stoots, R. Geraghty, G.M. Kamphuis, E. Jamnadass, M.M.E.L. Henderickx, E. Ventimiglia, O. Traxer, E.X. Keller, V. De Coninck, M. Talso, P. Kallidonis, E. Emiliani, E. Bres-Niewada, S.S Karim, A. Picirilli, A. Vagionis, B.K. Somani
Introduction of a Standardized Approach of Electronic Urinary pH Monitoring to Assist Alkalization Therapy: a Uric Acid Urolithiasis Patient’s Perspective. (https://doi.org/10.1089/end.20…) G.M. Kamphuis, J.W. van Hattum, E.C. Van Dongen, M.M.E.L. Henderickx, H.P. Beerlage
Nephrolithiasis in a donor kidney: is ex-vivo ureterorenoscopy an option? (https://doi.org/10.1080/000154…) M.M.E.L. Henderickx, J. Baard, P.C. Wesselman van Helmond, I. Jansen, G.M. Kamphuis
Laparoscopic cryoablation for small renal masses: Oncological outcomes at 5 year follow-up (https://doi.org/10.1080/209059…) M.M.E.L. Henderickx, A.E.C. Ruiter-Sträter, A.E. van der West, H.P. Beerlage, P.J. Zondervan, B.W. Lagerveld:
Variations in the mineral content of bottled ‘Still’ water across Europe: Comparison of 182 brands across 10 countries (https://doi.org/10.1089/end.20…) S.J.M. Stoots, R. Geraghty, G.M. Kamphuis, E. Jamnadass, M.M.E.L. Henderickx, E. Ventimiglia, O. Traxer, E.X. Keller, V. De Coninck, M. Talso, P. Kallidonis, E. Emiliani, E. Bres-Niewada, S.S Karim, A. Picirilli, B.K. Somani
Renal biopsies performed before versus during ablation of T1 renal tumors: implications for prevention of overtreatment and follow-up (https://doi.org/10.1007/s00261…) C.V. Widdershoven, B.M. Aarts, P.J. Zondervan, M.M.E.L. Henderickx, E.G. Klompenhouwer, O.M. van Delden, W. Prevoo, A.D Montauban van Swijndregt, R.J.A. van Moorselaar, A. Bex, B.W. Lagerveld:
The effect of additional drug therapy as Metaphylaxis in patients with cystinuria: a systematic review (https://doi.org/10.23736/S0393…) I.M. Melessen*, M.M.E.L. Henderickx*, M Merkx, F. van Etten-Jamaludin, J.J. Homan van der Heiden, G.M. Kamphuis
Fluoroscopy-use during ureterorenoscopy: are urologists concerned about radiation exposure? A nationwide survey in Belgium and the Netherlands. (https://doi.org/10.1080/000154…) M.M.E.L. Henderickx, J. Baard, H.P. Beerlage, G.M. Kamphuis
Effects of a six-month supervised physical exercise program on physical and cardio-metabolic profile and quality of life in patients with prostate cancer on androgen deprivation therapy: a pilot and feasibility study. (https://doi.org/10.5173/ceju.2…) N.S. Zabegalina, M.M.E.L. Henderickx, V. Lamotte, B. Segers, G. Stassijns, L. Hoekx
Localised prostate cancer and robot assisted radical prostatectomy: a single center retrospective comparison between pré- en post-operative Gleason score. (https://doi.org/10.1080/000154…) M.M.E.L. Henderickx, T. Brits, T. Muilwijk, T. Adams, H. Vandeursen:
Renal papillary necrosis in patients with sickle cell disease: How to recognize this ‘forgotten’ diagnosis. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpur…) M.M.E.L. Henderickx, T. Brits, K. De Baets, M. Seghers, P. Maes, D. Trouet, S. De Wachter, G. De Win: